Happiness is only real when shared. I hope you're happy today.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Journey is the Reward

The quote is from the great late Steve Jobs, and I like this quote very very much.

Some people believe the final result is what matters, some think the process is more important. Obviously, I am a supporter of the later thought.

I've gained tremendous experience from my first job; how to perform better and how to communicate with production associates effectively. The truth is, it's not easy. 

One of my colleagues told me: "The production associates are boat, we engineers are rowers, we row the boat to the right direction."  And I think this is very true. If the boat sinks, we sink altogether. 

I am still far too weak and inexperience. There is a hell lot of challenge awaiting me ahead. Although there will be disappointment and struggle, I wish I can sail through the entire journey with a strong heart.

Good Luck.     

1 comment:

I AM A BLOGGER said...

加油! and please plan well for Thailand trip!^^